1) Never too late
2) Hard road
3) The power and the glory
4) The maze
5) You steal from me
6) Take the good with the bad
7) Leaving again
8) One of the few
9) Dreams
10) It's over
11) The truth
12) Out on the streets
Rare hard rock record that combines heavy, hard rock and psych. Very strange and unique sound...listen to make your own opinion.
7 σχόλια:
Smokin' hot stuff, both this and Desert Eskimo is among the better albums i heard in years. Keep these damned obscure and heavy asskickers coming. Your blog rocks man.
Hur gjorde du öppna filen om jag får fråga, kan jag inte öppna den, eftersom den requier ett lösenord!! Can someone please post lösenordet.
Damned, I need a password please.
Thanks for the great albuns you shared. Sorry if I´m missing something but please: where is the password for Gold Dust?
pass. Please
This is really, really great stuff - raw and heavy! The rip's a little bit wonky, though, the tracklisting is actually:
1. Never Too Late
2. Hard Road
3. The Power And The Glory
4. The Maze (and a bit of the beginning of track 5)
5. You Steal From Me/Take the Good with the Bad/Leaving Again
6. One of the Few
7. Dreams
8. It's Over
9. The Truth
10. Out on the Streets
There's a track numbered 17 that doesn't seem to be related.
wow, this is really good! Thanks!
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